The lighthouse of fresh fish and seafood
The lighthouse of fresh fish and seafood
Norway’s largest and most innovative facilities for fresh fish and seafood is the recently opened “Sjømathuset” located at Kalbakken in Oslo. For the first time pre-packed fish, bulk, and sushi have been gathered in one place – the most modern and complete facilities for fresh distributed seafood in Europe.
Lerøy and NorgesGruppen have been working together since 2006 and the target from the two parties is clear: to increase the consumption of seafood in the Norwegian population.
With Sjømathuset seafood in highest quality will be available in grocery stores all over Norway. Everything from cod loins and salmon portions to lobster and crab claws lying pre-packed in refrigerated displays. Never before so much good seafood have been available for the Norwegian customers.
In a European context Sjømathuset is a lighthouse when it comes to cooperation between seafood producer and retail. Hygiene zones and optimized production flow are significant features in a project like Sjømathuset, and Pescatech is very proud of being a part of this unique project, hired primarily to take care of design and logistics within the sushi and fish departments.
To expand our area of expertise with such special tasks like the ones the Lerøy group has given us and to become an external project sparring partner for NorgesGruppen has really widened our horizon. The profound understanding of the mechanism between processors and supermarkets are impossible to put a value on, but it definitely has brought Pescatech to the next levels explains Chris Bjerregaard of Pescatech.
The Swedish smokehouse
On the idyllic west coast of Sweden you find Leröy Smögen Seafood, the leading producer and supplier of a wide range of fish and seafood. High development rate, steady growth, financial strength and capacity for expansion motivate people to stay for many years, some for more than 50 – so professional and motivated staff will meet you from the beginning to the end. Tradition and knowledge go hand in hand where flexibility and short delivery times are significant on a market requiring small series and tailor made products. Full control in the process of environmentally certified products with complete traceability is a matter of course.
Sushi of highest quality are created as well as catch, salmon, fresh fish in all shapes, smoked or marinated, fresh or frozen seafood, pickled herrings – Lerøy has a wide range for the restaurants, catering, retail and stores and the target is always to be in front finding new, innovative seafood products – often in cooperation with some of Sweden’s most renowned chefs.
Lerøy opened the newly expanded factory to meet the increasing requirements from the discerning customers. Pescatech had the distinct pleasure to assist with this expansion in close cooperation with the Swedish Lerøy team and to be a part of the project team to ensure the project was implemented on time.
Other case stories
Grieg Seafood ASA is one of the world’s leading fish farming companies, specializing in atlantic salmon, with an annual production capacity of more than 90.000 tons gutted weight. Today the Group is present in Norway, British Columbia (Canada) and in Shetland (UK), employing approximately 700 people.
More than once cod producers in Europe have found their natural resources facing the brink of extinction with cod population dropping dramatically. Over fishing and little or no focus on sustainability has driven this industry and the companies within to a game of “survival of the fittest”.
Taking the scenic route through curved roads and rainforest alike landscapes towards Onarheim you first must ensure yourself you’re tuned in on the correct Onarheim. Suddenly the administrative building of Alsaker Fjordbruk appears from the mist and forest and the sight gives you the first impression of a cozy and leaned back approach of doing serious business.
Marine Harvest is the world’s leading seafood company offering farmed salmon and processed seafood to customers in more than 70 markets worldwide.