Company values
The Pescatech company values are the set of guiding principles and fundamental beliefs that bring us together and define us as a team. These values are described within a dozen of core words, which should give customers and other business relationships an idea about what and who they are dealing with. It’s something we are proud of as a company and as individuals.
- Integrity; is for Pescatech the ability to stand tall and behind our products, services, policies and employees – no matter how unpopular this might make us from time to time.
- Boldness; Pescatech dares to speak, when others are silent and we are afraid of nobody. We shall continue to challenge both the strongest and weakest suppliers to become better. We are not afraid of swimming upstream or go against the current. The best possible solution at the most reasonable costs is what we want for our customers and proclaimed one-stop-shops are rarely the best way to go for it and more often it will give the customer a false sense of security – these are facts!
- Honesty; The customer is not always right, but many will try to please him anyway. Pescatech will always give you honest answers and our straight from the guts opinion. We can also make mistakes, but will never abandon our principles about the truths matter the most.
- Commitment to Customers; ; Pescatech has decided to work exclusively with customers within the Fish & Seafood industries. We’re not building bridges, tunnels or opera buildings. Our focus is 100% or core customers and all new knowhow invested in us goes straight back to the industry. Mutual loyalty and spread the word is our business philosophy.
- Passion; you must have a burning passion for the industry, it’s atmosphere, it’s people to work in Pescatech, because we will provide our clients with burning passion, extensive knowhow and we will be able to meet our client on the production floor and in your board rooms.
- Fun; it must be fun working for and with Pescatech, but we will not have so much fun, that we’re not making any money or can maintain highest levels of integrity.
- Humility; this might not be our strongest assert, but sometimes we’re simply not good enough in explaining how good we actually are and also this word is in our company value to check how far down the readers go.
- Trust; you can simply trust us more, since we have no agenda to sell or promote anything else than sound advice based on the experience of our specialists, who by the way have joined Pescatech and decided to become independent advisors in an increasingly monopolistic industry. We are further bound by strict rules of confidentiality outlined by FRI.
- Continuous Learning; from the past is an obvious. Past project experiences will always be considered in new projects in the search for constant improvements. Each client and the industry shall profit from our experiences and indirectly from each other.
- Ownership; Pescatech is a responsible advisor and will never abort our role as a stakeholder. We shall be the first on the scene and last to leave our clients. It’s the easy way out to have suppliers battle it out at the expense of customers. This kind of advisory we will leave to others and focus on creating solid and neutral and customized solutions with our clients to meet their requirements.
- Innovation; is a core value and innovative solutions part of our brand. Symmetry and simplicity in solutions design is important, but equally important it is to define innovation and how to achieve it. Pescatech can design new processing methods, machines and solutions, but real innovation lies within the breaking of boundaries, setting up targets and meeting those targets.
- Teamwork; is important inside Pescatech and outside Pescatech meaning, that we also must enhance good spirit and be a bridgebuilder between customer and their suppliers. Seminars, teambuilding events is one way to achieve friendly atmosphere. It is always easier to work with people you like vs people you dislike is our take on teamwork. We sometimes even take a bullet for the team to avoid customers and suppliers take disagreements too far.
Code of Conduct
Pescatech believes we must not only meet the expectations of our customers we must also exceed those expectations. To that end, we have adopted standards for the safety, quality and integrity of our products and processes and we are committed to respecting the rights of individuals, companies and protecting the environment. We are dedicated to complying with all applicable laws and to conduct business in an ethical and responsible manner.
We are aware of our position as a neutral advisor and specialist designer in a consolidating industry, where we often must defend our clients interests against monopolistic behavior. This we shall do with integrity and honesty as key words integrated deeply in the company policies and all aspects of our business philosophy.
Product Integrity
We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding products we sell and advisory we deliver. We will meet applicable recognized voluntary industry standards for our products and services and meet the highest ethical standards. All of our design and processing specialists are required to have significant and relevant hands-on experience and to have read and understood the complete Guidelines for good Consultancy practice provided by FRI.
We protect confidential business information about our services and data. Confidentiality is maintained both during employees’ employment and after their severance. We respect other people’s intellectual property rights and confidential information. All our employees enter contracts with a built-in confidentiality clause to protect the interests of 3rd parties.
No Abuse of Labour
We will not use any form of forced labor, including indentured, prison, bonded or slave labor. We will not use physical or verbal harassment or abuse to discipline employees.
No Child Labor
We will not use child labor. We will comply with all minimum age provisions of applicable laws and regulations.
Freedom of Association
We respect the rights of employees to associate or organize without fear of reprisal or interference. If employees are represented by an organization recognized under law, we respect the right to bargain collectively.
No Discrimination
We will not discriminate in hiring and employment practices on the basis of age, nationality, race, religion, social status, ethnic origin, gender or disability.
Hours and Wages
We will comply with all applicable wage, work hours, hiring, benefits, and overtime laws and regulations. In the absence of law in a particular location relating to product safety, labor, employment, environment or working conditions, the spirit and intent of these policies shall be met.
Workplace Conditions
We will provide a safe, healthy and secure workplace. We will abide by alle applicable laws and regulations for safety and health. Proper sanitation, lighting, ventilation and fire safety protections will be provided.
We abide by all applicable environmental laws and regulation. We will manage our environmental footprint to minimize the adverse impact on the environment. We will manage our energy, water and waste systems for maximum efficiency and minimal adverse impact on the environment.
Subcontractors, Sources and suppliers
Businesses that support our business as subcontractors, suppliers or sources of complementary services are required to comply with all of the same policies stated in our Commitment to Ethical and Responsible Conduct Policy and are required to comply with all applicable and national laws and Pescatech confidentiality commitments.
When a client requests products or services from suppliers that have not passed our vetting process, then we will inform the client that we cannot support the decision if product scope safety and/or social responsibility practices of that supplier are not met and we will suggest other alternatives that meet these requirements if necessary.
FRI Guidelines for good consulting practice
Unauthorised English version of the Danish text
FRI wishes with these guidelines to contribute to a common set of values for the members by protecting and promoting the member firms to follow tradition and good practice in the consulting sector and at the same time to respect standards and rules of society.
Furthermore, FRI wants the member firms to manage human resources and the development of skills in a way that demonstrates the consulting industry as being attractive and progressive for actual and potential staff and clients.
Performance contradictory to FRI’s Guidelines for good consulting practice can be considered by FRI’s Executive Committee, that may decide to impose sanctions on the firm in question, for instance in the form of reproof, fines and exclusion.
The guidelines are divided into three sections, aiming towards society, clients and other firms respectively.
1. The role of FRI member firms in society
1.1. FRI member firms are supposed to promote solutions beneficial to man, society and environment in a long-term perspective.
2. Co-operation with clients
2.1. A FRI member firm shall provide services in order to satisfy the interests of the client as well as the commercial interests of the consulting firm itself.
2.2. A FRI member firm shall only accept tasks for which the firm possesses the necessary professional competence. If such requirement is established by entering into co-operation with others the client must be informed in advance, before the signing of the contract.
2.3. A FRI member firm shall in co-operation with the client see to that the client is fully informed concerning the terms of the engagement.
2.4. A FRI member firm shall on its own initiative make the client aware of any aspects or predictable risks in relation to the assignment which are contrary to the interests of the client, society or consultant. If a solution of such a problem cannot be found, the consultant shall not undertake the assignment.
2.5. A FRI member firm shall on its own initiative inform the client of any interest, which in the actual assignment could raise doubt concerning the impartiality of the consultant’s performance.
2.6. A FRI member firm shall not without informing the client – neither directly nor indirectly – receive or demand benefits like commission or discounts related to purchases of goods or other services for the account of the client which are not fully transferred to the client.
2.7. A FRI member firm must keep confidentiality regarding the affairs of the client.
2.8. A FRI member firm must neither offer nor accept any kind of reward that can be seen as or that aims at
a) seeking to influence the choice of consultant or the size of the fee, or
b) seeking to influence the impartiality of the consultant
3. Performance in relation to other firms
A FRI member firm shall:
3.1. Contribute to good co-operation.
3.2. Refer to other firms and their activities in a proper manner.
3.3. Act decently and professionally when evaluating work performed by others, e.g. in auditing, independent inspection or related to litigation, as described in “FRI’s retningslinier for teknisk validering og tredjepartskontrol” (FRI’s guidelines for technical validation and third party control).
3.4. Respect the copyrights of other firms.
3.5. Follow the instructions given by the FRI Executive Committee or by the General Assembly of the Association.
Approved by the Executive Committee of FRI on 3 March 2016

Patents and inventions
The design skills and technical competencies make it possible to develop lines and create new solutions without focusing on profitability in sales numbers, but merely to come with solutions to specific challenges. This could be a fish processor in need of a customized processing line or special developed machine to accommodate a request from a customer on a certain product.
Pescatech works independently from the equipment industry and can design without boundaries towards preferred in house machinery. We can as such play with all the lego boxes available rather than just the red ones…It could also be an equipment supplier, who wants to visualize a combination of machines or typical standard solution within their core competencies.
Pescatech goal is to innovate and challenge the industry to provide better solutions, where we also can visualize, animate and simulate new concepts and ideas.
Patent pending pinbone concepts
IntroductionThe invention is targeting to solve a puzzle, which has until now remained unsolved. Conventional methods have over numerous attempts proven to be unsuccessful on especially fresh fish fillets. The removal of the pinbones is a critical part of procesing fresh fish, where present technology has of yet not achieved noticeable success on pre-rigor filets no matter the specie. The result if successful will change the markets substantially. Distribution chains and processing plants will change in order to finish the products as close to live state as possible. This again will bring fresh and firmer fish products to market, with significant impact on price and quality on white fish as well as salmonids and other species.
Today’s methods
With today’s technology it can be done in following ways:
- Manually, where operators have small tools to pick the bones from the flesh (figure 1)
- Semi-automatic, where a handheld rotating shredded drum is positioned to rip the bones from the flesh (figure 2)
- Automatic, where a conveyor takes the fish through one or more rotating drums (figure 3)
- High speed, but where fillets have to be divided from 2 to 6 lanes due to the line speed, and merged from 6 to 2 lines after pinbone removal.

The speed of today’s filleting machines calls for 6 lanes (fig 4), which demands significant space lengthwise as in width. It is expensive, not easy to maintain or clean, while also posing one of the most serious bacteria hazards in a factory. In addition, the above methods have not worked properly on fresh (pre-rigor) fish fillets, where the firm flesh and bone fastens to the skin make this impossible without damaging the flesh.
Patented solutionPost-rigor
Patent pending solutionLogo gallery
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