Our validation
Pescatech is a qualified competition enhancer and we distance ourself from other advisors by being a project task force made of specialists . Our services are therefore influenced by the many years of hands on experience from each individual person in Pescatech. All employees are handpicked and delivers a unique contribution to the entirety.
No other companies within the fish & seafood industries can present a stronger and more focused project and team. Our core services are highlighted within the 4 defined areas; process optimization, project design, project management and project visualization. Project design and project management have historically been the two main business areas, which we believe is a market driven demand caused by monopolization resulting in; increased prices, poor service, lack of options, rigidity from equipment suppliers especially, when it comes to customization.

Pescatech can design much faster and much better, than even the largest equipment suppliers. We cannot promise more than the industry can deliver, but we can and will design with all available lego blocks and maintain focus on designing the most sensible solutions without politics or preferred product port folios.
The best solution at the most reasonable price is always an important target, but also challenging suppliers to be more transparent and for them analyze better their solutions prior to selling to avoid later frustrations. Our experience combined with the experience and muscles of our clients pose a significant counter weight, which can be used to guide equipment suppliers by leading as an example. Our guiding solutions are often much better simply, because their origin is neutral and with focus on solving a task rather than selling a solution.
Competition will always be a fundamental driver for all companies to become better, but Pescatech is sometimes promoted by large equipment suppliers as a competitor.
This could not be more wrong, but we admit and pride ourself of being a provocateur and we’re willing to step up to the plate and defend the interests of our clients and the industry.
No other consultancy companies within the fish & seafood industry has taken more hits or taken the stand as much as Pescatech. We love the industry, our customers, working with suppliers and being a frontrunner in the developing of new innovative solutions.

Hundreds of small and large projects have been designed and managed by Pescatech personnel and several world records have been broken over the years. This design base and our many years of experience as both negotiators, mediators and specialists enable us to also maintain the momentum and limit the disputes also after contracts are signed.
The interim task force ability make us both agile, flexible, where we can step in and make a difference from day 1 and we can be first onboard and last to leave your project. A good advisor can be a valuable project partner and become your most trusted friend.