Excellence in processing
It’s a privilege working for Bremnes Seashore with their focus on high quality in all aspects of their operations. It is not coincidental, that the Salma brand has become synonymous with the finest of the Norwegian seafoods. Mixing this with the casual environment and cozy atmosphere then you have not only a good working environment, but also hospitable and inviting business.
Pescatech has had the pleasure of being a part of the Bremnes Seashore team from the early design phases of their newest project, which will ensure Bremnes Seashore a position as one the absolute most efficient and modern salmon plants in the world.
Bjørn Willy Sæverud; Managing Director of Bremnes Seahore:
Pescatech has in excellent manner fulfilled our expectations, when it comes to providing Bremnes Seashore with extra competencies and resources in a demanding project phase.
Bremnes Seashore is a modern facility in which the emphasis is on efficiency, hygiene and a good working environment. It is possible to process a large part of the salmon production and to produce and pack Salma and other high end products in this salmon plant.
It has a top of the line primary processing facility and a unique filleting and value adding operation. Definitely one of the “must see” factories, when visiting the Norwegian Salmon industry.
Bremnes Seashore is located a couple of hours travel South of Bergen, where you can find the Bremnes Seashore harvesting in Øklandsvågen on the island of Bømlo. Bremnes Seashore is one of Norway’s most respected salmon brands with a history of more than 40 years processing experience.
Other case stories
Marine Harvest is the world’s leading seafood company offering farmed salmon and processed seafood to customers in more than 70 markets worldwide.
Grieg Seafood ASA is one of the world’s leading fish farming companies, specializing in atlantic salmon, with an annual production capacity of more than 90.000 tons gutted weight. Today the Group is present in Norway, British Columbia (Canada) and in Shetland (UK), employing approximately 700 people.
A couple of hours travel south of Bergen you can find the Bremnes Seashore harvesting plant at Øklandsvågen. Bremnes Seashore is one of Norways most respected salmon brands with a history of 50 years within fish farming and processing.
In the shadows of mighty Salmar the old Nutrimar is presently transforming into a new modern fish meal and oil producer with higher production capacities and with the most advanced handling and processing methods.