
Innovamar, a glimpse into the future

The Innovamar Project is truly a glimpse into the future of modern salmon processing, where all the most advanced and newest processing methods and techniques are evaluated and implemented if they match the standards and ambitions of the project. The fish plant is presently under construction and shall be installed in stages starting early 2010 to be fully operational during summer 2010. Buildings are erected in what will become a monumental fish plant leading the way into a new era within fish processing.

Pescatech has since october 2008 been hired in as process experts for the primary process design and project team member of the ambitious “Innovamar” project. The project is lead by renowned salmon producer Salmar ASA; one of the world’s largest and most profitable salmon producers. The job on the “Innovamar” project gave Pescatech a flying start and Salmar with its hard working and very motivated staff will always maintain a special position, where business relationships has grown into personal friendships.

The Innovamar project will set new standards as the most advanced and cost effective salmon plant. The plant will use and implement the most modern processing techniques and innovative solutions to reach highest levels of efficiency and yield. The plant shall offer its workers the best and finest jobs in the industry by setting new standards on job rotation principles, level of automation and employee comfort.

ew processing techniques are developed and solutions created together with local environmental authorities and international suppliers to the industry with the overall ambition to reach higher levels of processing and become a “milestone” in modern salmon processing. This shall be the example to follow and lead the way for the salmon producers to become one of the most advanced food processing industries.


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