Open, respectful and ambitious
Grieg Seafood ASA is one of the world’s leading fish farming companies, specializing in atlantic salmon, with an annual production capacity of more than 90.000 tons gutted weight. Today the Group is present in Norway, British Columbia (Canada) and in Shetland (UK), employing approximately 700 people. Grieg Seafood ASA was listed at the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSEBX) in June 2007, and their headquarters are located in Bergen, Norway.
The business development of Grieg Seafood focuses on profitable growth, sustainable use of resources and being the preferred supplier to selected customers.
Grieg’s operations are based on hands-on experience and innovative, technological solutions. They believe experience and competence are the foundation for safe, clean and efficient farming of high quality salmon. The Grieg Seafood organization emphasizes reliability and a continuous year-around supply of quality salmon. This is possible due to the high competence of their employees and a genuine dedication to sustainable production and fish health.
Grieg’s ambition is to always supply fresh and healthy products with optimal nutritional values. This requires full traceability and attention to quality and food safety in products and raw materials. Grieg apply strict quality control, focusing on sustainability, fish welfare and environmental concerns. The production standards and quality management programs allow them to provide the predictability the customers demand by verifying the quality of fish from egg to market. Grieg controls the complete value chain; from stripping brood eggs, growing smolts at freshwater hatcheries to grow out sites at sea and harvesting.
Grieg Seafood has developed standards that exceed government requirements, and have established best management practices and continuous programs to reduce their impact on the environment and its inhabitants.
Pescatech has known Grieg Seafood for several years and this relationship has resulted in various projects, starting with an Opti-Advice at the Simanes facilities in the rough nature of Finnmark, Norway.
Opti-Advice is an excellent door opener, as Pescatech reviews the processing lines, and optimizations and suggestions for improvements are described, drawn and calculated. It is then up to the customer whether he wants to continue or not. If he does he can choose the most profitable findings to improve according to payback calculations. Pescatech can, of course, help implement these improvements as well via Pro-Manager, which is project management during the installation phase.
Another project Pescatech has worked on with Grieg is a pre-study project for a new large factory including box factory and oil-/ meal factory. These facilities have been designed in ProEducator, too, for better visualization and presentation as most people need 3d pictures instead of top views to really understand the essence.
Other case stories
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Grieg Seafood ASA is one of the world’s leading fish farming companies, specializing in atlantic salmon, with an annual production capacity of more than 90.000 tons gutted weight. Today the Group is present in Norway, British Columbia (Canada) and in Shetland (UK), employing approximately 700 people.
In the shadows of mighty Salmar the old Nutrimar is presently transforming into a new modern fish meal and oil producer with higher production capacities and with the most advanced handling and processing methods.
More than once cod producers in Europe have found their natural resources facing the brink of extinction with cod population dropping dramatically. Over fishing and little or no focus on sustainability has driven this industry and the companies within to a game of “survival of the fittest”.