About Pescatech
Pescatech is an Esbjerg based company from 2008. Key persons from leading companies within the fish and seafood industry found together in this team of highly specialized consultants.
We understand the actual conditions in the fish and seafood industry, where we as consultants have gathered extensive knowledge during many years of optimizing production methods in hundreds of production plants.
Pescatech can deliver consultancy and specialist assistance in many levels especially within the fish and seafood industry all over the world. We support all the different segments in their needs right from recieving raw materials to shipment of finished goods. We consider ourselves the neutral advisors in a consolidating industry, where vendors and production units merge and the options are reduced.

We can deliver knowhow in highest technical level and we can from our position assure a safe way to the ideal production scenario for each customer.
Pescatech aims at a position as the preferred sparring partner for processes and vendors within the fish and seafood sectors by delivering the highest level of honesty and integrity. We work under non-disclosure agreements with our customers and guarantee discretion regarding obtained knowledge through our efforts making our customers better in what they do.
Pescatech is subject to “Foreningen af rådgivende ingeniører, FRI”, which implies respect for ethical rules regarding careful consultancy limited by the company’s competence areas.