Project visualization
Pescatech is top of class, when it comes to designing factories in highly detailed 3D and virtual reality. This has more than once inspired even the largest equipment suppliers, when promoting their line concepts and product portfolios. Pescatech looks neutrally ahead and beyond individual companies, when we design and can create independent virtual environments.<
As a complement to project design services, we therefore also offer to visualize your new factory in 3D, providing a unique understanding of the conditions and a virtual reality experience. This has proven to be a good investment and especially during the Covid pandemic it could explain project details visually and online, which in no other way could have been described any better and faster.
The world has changed and ACAD readers with 3D imagination are few, so Pescatech can provide tours in virtual reality with or without you being in the center. It can be downloaded to your phone or lab top, where you can make your own tours, or we can create animated tours for you. Experience your new facility long before it’s even built.

Pescatech long time ago distanced ourselved by becoming the first to promote a higher design level by offering full blown animations to our customers. These animations can still be provided as stand-alone services visualizing existing factories, where it can be very helpful as training and marketing tools.
Visualize your project or production from wire frame to live animated production videos in high resolution and extremely realistic views or step into the new virtual reality and become an active part of it.
Animations and Virtual Reality is extremely good for:
- Pre-visualization and discussion
- Introducing projects to suppliers
- Training of new personnel
- Sales and marketing of your facility
- Big screen attraction in fairs and expositions
- Simulations and flow
- Screenshots can be used as GUI’s
Pescatech today is faster and more fluent in the virtual environment, where we always try to be ahead of or as minimum spearhead the virtual evolution within the fish and seafood industries.
Years ago, Pescatech developed a unifying Graphical User Interface – a socalled GUI. The first of its’ kind, that in fact could have created a standardizing bridge between various equipment suppliers and their “own” software. Imagine Innova, Scada, B’logic, CodeIt and many others actually used the same GUI.
Today our ambition is to challenge all others to beat us, when it comes to present new factories both in highest level 3D, 3D Bim, virtual reality and as a hologram.