
Barry Group – The glory of nature

Newfoundland is one of the best places to see and appreciate nature in all its glory. Dramatic coastlines, sweeping barrens, thick boreal forests, ancient rock formations, teeming seabird colonies, tiny alpine blossoms, and rich marine life are all part of the diverse natural heritage.

Many people believe that the island of Newfoundland will be the best guess for ‘Vinland’, one of the three areas Leif Eriksson (den Lykkelige) according to the sagas, discovered and named in North America about year 1000.

On this amazing island you also find Barry Group Inc. Barry Group has been involved in fish harvesting and processing since the 1830’s. In 1854 they established the current business in Corner Brook, Newfoundland.

During the 1960’s, the advent of modern technology presented promising business

opportunities and, as a result, the Barry Group placed greater focus on quality, customer service, and marketing, while significantly expanding the customer base and production with more diverse species and packs.

The responsible expansion of the Barry Group was contrived in the final decade of the last century with strategic access to more processing plants, and expanded quotas. This expansion allowed the company to begin diversifying domestically and internationally. Today, a large and skillful workforce throughout Atlantic Canada processes thousands of tons of fish from an expanding list of species for the demanding and competitive international market. To this date Pescatech has had the pleasure to work with this interesting company in two projects.

The first one was a salmon factory, where Pescatech in close cooperation with the Barry guys designed the factory with focus

on optimizing the buildings and securing all hygienic requirements were met. After internal approval of layout and budget Pescatech took the project through a fast track tender phase including negotiations until contracting phase.

The second project was a processing line for packing herrings into barrels. Pescatech and Barry group designed the layout together and also here made fast track tender materials, as Barry Group wanted competitive situation with more supplier options. Barry Group knows very well what they want and is capable of designing their own solutions, where Pescatech often is used as an external project department for both smaller and larger tasks. This use of our resources is exactly the role Pescatech was designed for, explains Chris Bjerregaard of Pescatech, we would like to become an international, skilled and flexible project task force.


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